On Saturday, May 2, 2020, the Nam Knight Old Dominion Chapter hosted a regional ride in Haymarket, Virginia. The following chapters were present: Old Dominion, Sons of Titans, West Virginia, Freestate (MD), and Battlefield (MD).
I would say approximately 40 bikes attended the event. Old Dominion, Road Captain NK Bean planned the route. The route began at the Haymarket Sheetz. The route continued through Prince William County, in Marshall, Virginia, into Loudoun County ending back in Haymarket with some resting location for refreshments on the way. The ride was approximately over an hour long.
The purpose of the ride was for chapters to bond during the COVID 19 crisis. With the recent events around the world, people needed to take extra precautions to prevent infection. One of the main precautions was to quarantine themselves from the public. Due to the length of the quarantine, NK Juicebox felt this could cause depression among the brothers of the Nam Knights. NK Juicebox considered the fact that not everyone has family most brothers are alone. Due to this, NK Juicebox reached out to NK Prozac, NK So Cal, and NK Long Time with Sons of Titans. One of NK Juicebox’s main goal with the Old Dominion Chapter is to have the chapters better connect with one another. NK Juicebox also reached out to NK Kato with Freestate, to check on him and his family’s status to include the status of the Freestate chapter.

NK Kato also advised all was well, and he was willing to join the ride. NK Kato also stated he was going to reach out to a few brothers as well. As we saw at the ride, a few brothers turned into many. Apparently, the word traveled around that NK Juicebox was planning this event and wanted to join. I think it was because a lot of them had cabin fever. =)
The brothers from Freestate, Battlefield, and West Virginia, met at NK Juicebox’s residence. NK Juicebox led the brothers to pick up NK Bean and NK Gilligan in Purcellville, Virginia.
The brothers rode to the Haymarket Sheetz led by NK Bean. At approximately 1050 hours, NK Juicebox & NK Bean along with Freestate, Battlefield, and West Virginia arrived. Upon arriving at Sheetz, there were other brothers from Old Dominion and Sons of Titans among other brothers already present. The amount of brothers present were amazing.